The Isle of Avalon Amateur Radio Club

is a small group of people, passionately interested in the techniques of radio communication, and living in and around Glastonbury, Somerset.

Although many members of the club are licensed radio amateurs, there is absolutely no compulsion to hold any kind of licence to join. As far as we are concerned, the more the merrier. (And that includes CBers, PMR446 aficionados – anyone with an interest in the legal use of radio.)

The purpose of the club is to enable interested users to experiment; learn; and develop their knowledge of radio and practical skills in radio communication techniques in a fun way, in the company of like-minded individuals. Take a look at some of what we have been up to.

We are always ready to welcome new members to the club – those who would like to know more about radio and perhaps become licensed amateurs themselves.

If you wish to get your Amateur Radio licence we help you training for Foundation exams. You’re very welcome to talk to us to see how best to tackle this. The Scout Hut in Glastonbury is a registered examination centre so you can take your exam here in Glastonbury, though most people take the exams online.

Anyone who has had an interest in radio, but perhaps thought it was too difficult for them to master, will be warmly welcomed at the club, and will be given the maximum help to enable them to achieve their own personal goals in the area.

Recent events

SAQ Alexanderson day Jun 30 2024

IoAARC AGM 2024 on Friday 17th May 2024 May 17 2024

Marconi Day GB2MRS SES at Somerton Radio Station Mar 30 2024

Club Meetings

We meet every other Friday (take a look at the calendar for which days). at site 2 from 6pm, this is near the Sweet Acre garden centre. This is NOT the Scout Hut, please contact the Membership secretary if you need to know how to get there, or call us on 145.475 MHz if you are already licensed. If you have found the garden centre, look for the aerials as you go down the road towards the rugby club.

Please note that this location is not indoors, dress warmly and be prepared for rain!

We monitor 145.475 MHz around 18:00 in case anyone requires a talk-in.

Club nets

On Monday we have an occasional1 CB net on UK40 ch34 27.93125 FM at 20:00

On Wednesday we have a net on 145.475MHz FM at 20:00 This is a formal net and is logged.

All times are local time.

We do occasionally run nets on other days, take a look at the calendar for more details.

  1. occasional because fewer members are on this band